Relationship Idolatry

The deification of others on macro and micro levels

Rev. Sheri Heller, LCSW, RSW
7 min readApr 12, 2024


“We all are men, in our own natures frail, and capable of our flesh; few are angels.” ~ William Shakespeare, Henry VIII

When I step back to observe the maniacal machinations of the global landscape I am baffled by how our shared psychological need for safety and predictability contributes to believing that those bestowed with fame, power and charm offer messianic deliverance, in spite of flagrant ethical contradictions and horrendous track records. Nevertheless, the deification of influential folks, referred to as the cult of personality, is a common phenomenon. Across the globe unwavering devotion and worship of larger-than life leaders is evidenced through exaggerated praise, loyalty, and even near-religious fervor.

The cult of personality is a tool to consolidate and maintain power. By fostering adulation and loyalty, a leader can suppress opposition and perpetuate their rule. Through carefully crafted propaganda, mass media, and public events, the idealization of a political or social movement is enforced by promoting a figurehead as infallible or god-like. Followers are expected to demonstrate unwavering loyalty and devotion. Furthermore, dissent or disagreement is often viewed as betrayal and is met with harsh punishment or censorship.



Rev. Sheri Heller, LCSW, RSW

Complex trauma clinician and writer. Survivor turned thriver, with a love for world travel, the arts and nature. I think outside the box.