Remembering George Floyd And His Tragic Death

His face is on a building in Salt Lake City

Floyd Mori


(Image is author’s)

Some artists wanted to remember George Floyd

The name of George Floyd became well known after he was killed by a former police officer in Minneapolis in May of 2020. The officer held his knee on Floyd’s neck for around nine minutes. Floyd had been pleading for his life saying that he could not breathe.

After video of Floyd’s death went viral, the public became enraged at the killing which seemed to indicate the brutality of police against Black men. There were protests held throughout the United States and some demonstrations throughout other parts of the world.

When the police officer was found guilty for the three counts against him for Floyd’s death, which included second-degree murder, crowds cheered.

Now over a year has passed since George Floyd died. His life was lost, and he became a symbol for injustice and police brutality against Black people. Is he being remembered? He is in some areas.

If you drive in downtown Salt Lake City streets, it is likely that you will be reminded about George Floyd and the way he met his death. His face has been painted on a wall of a building in that area.

The mural in memory of George Floyd and others…



Floyd Mori

Floyd Mori, born in Utah, is a former College Teacher, Mayor, CA State Assemblyman, Consultant, and CEO for Nonprofits.