Remembering George Floyd

Exorcising wounds from the events of the recent past are necessary


The entire world witnessed what happened for over nine minutes in Minneapolis, Minnesota on May 25, 2020. The racism that has been historically interwoven into every fiber has made the United States a national tapestry that has endorsed all forms of blatant and subtle injustice, bigotry, prejudice, inequity, hatred, discrimination, inequality. Proof of these social atrocities was the savage murder of George Floyd.

The Rewind

As the trial for George Floyd began, all of the heinous events that led up to his public execution have to be rewound and replayed over and over again. The eight minutes and forty-six seconds of breathless agony that choked the life out of George Floyd as he cried out to his cruel and savage murderer that were ignored have to be visualized and imagined again and again. The national and global aftermath of the death of George Floyd must be revived in the hearts, minds, and spirits of a caring humanity. Sadly and disgustingly, the evil and heartless responses of the indifferent and uncaring have to be…



Dr. Deborah M. Vereen-Family Engagement Influencer

Retired principal and professor who writes about motherhood, parents, education, positive school partnerships, Christianity, relationships, and family