Robin DiAngelo Is The “Vanilla Ice” Of Anti-Racism

What happens when you weaponise white guilt?

Steve QJ
Curated Newsletters


Photo credit — Flickr

The week of June 21st 2020, a month after George Floyd was killed, an unprecedented eight of the top ten New York Times bestsellers were about race.

The “racial reckoning” prompted by Floyd’s death was the first time many white people had thought about racism. It was the first time they’d questioned their attitudes and behaviour. It was certainly the first time they’d thought to read a book on the subject.

And so, as those newly race-conscious readers set out to learn about the black experience, they looked at those eight books…and chose the only one written by a white woman.

Robin DiAngelo’s “White Fragility” has singlehandedly confused millions of people about race. It manages to talk down to black people and white people, all whilst offering nothing in the way of solutions. And seeing as she’s is about to release a sequel called “Nice Racism”, this feels like a good time to do some damage limitation.

Let’s get something straight before we go any further; Robin DiAngelo is a racist.

I don’t mean that in some abstract “racism is the water we’re swimming in" way. Or even in an “all white people are racist" way. I mean it in the good old-fashioned “she…



Steve QJ
Curated Newsletters

Race. Politics. Culture. Sometimes other things. Almost always polite. Find more at