Sadness & Depression: Ain’t What They Used to Be

One Man’s Story

Joe Luca
Curated Newsletters


Pixabay Image from Bessi

I am prone to sadness. That moment when the emotions of the world, distilled down to a few words or sounds, breach my defenses and leave me weak-kneed and near tears. And then just as swiftly, the mists move off and the world returns to its chaotic pace and I feel reassured.

My first memories of sadness were around the age of one. I was standing in my crib, eyeing my surrounding and wondering why every perspective was all wrong. I was too small. Nothing — not the walls, or furniture, or even the people, were where they were supposed to be. Everything had changed and I was upset that no one had told me.

And then it passed. My smile returned. As did the normal rhythms of the universe. The clanging of old truck suspensions, horns blaring and the neighbors whispering outside my window. I was home.


If one becomes an expert by experiencing something over and over again, then I am, by most measures, a Pro at this.

Sadness, I believe, follows the same principle that air conditioners rely on. They don’t introduce coldness…



Joe Luca
Curated Newsletters

Top Writer in Humor and Satire. I love words. Those written, and those received. I’m here to communicate & comment. To be a part of a greater whole.