Schools Expected to Operate Dauntlessly as Covid Increases Rapidly in England

Half term a big sigh of relief for parents

Sumera Rizwan
Curated Newsletters


Finally tomorrow Friday the 23rd marks the start of term holidays for my kids here in England. Never in my life have I been so eagerly waiting for half term. No, we are not going to Disney Land nor have I planned any other vacation for my kids but yes we are all looking forward to these vacations, to get some peace of mind and to get a break from daily anxiety.

Covid19 and start of school

Schools started here in September and since then the school has informed us about at least 7 different corona cases within the school. Every time we read the email in horror, praying for the safety of our child.

Each time the bubble is isolated but something is not working, the cases are still spreading in schools just like they are spreading in the country as a whole.

Covid cases are rising rapidly again. We are not at all prepared for this second wave. The new covid cases have risen 60% in a week. This is terrifying, especially for people like me who have low immunity and are expected to send their children to school regularly.

A simple solution for parents peace of mind



Sumera Rizwan
Curated Newsletters

Crafting heartfelt stories, inspiring through authentic storytelling. Celebrating human experiences, one tale at a time.