Science and Faith Don’t Have to Cancel Each Other Out

We can have both

Bebe Nicholson
Curated Newsletters
6 min readOct 24, 2020


Photo by NASA on Unsplash

Last week, a simple, one-line tweet got me in trouble. In response to a link about dark times ahead, I wrote, “Why all the doom and gloom? Where’s the faith?”

My tweet in no way indicated that I believe science is wrong or that I think the coronavirus is a hoax. On the contrary, I wear a mask every time I go anywhere. I haven’t invited friends over in eight months, and our time with grandkids had been seriously curtailed.

Refusing to succumb to doom and gloom doesn’t mean I am in denial. I’m not blind or ignorant enough to believe bad things don’t happen to good people because God is going to prevent it. Experience and reality teach me otherwise.

My friend’s brother and sister-in-law died of Covid. Life isn’t easy and being alive means loss, discouragement and sadness. But I still have faith. Why? Because I believe we each have available to us a God-given spirit of resilience and hope that enables us to move forward with purpose and joy despite what the world throws at us.

Hostility to faith

I still don’t understand why my tweet generated such a firestorm, but here are some of the responses:



Bebe Nicholson
Curated Newsletters

Writer, editor, publisher, journalist, author, columnist, believer in enjoying my journey and helping other people enjoy theirs.