Inspiration | Life

Seeing the World Through Fresh Eyes

Creating the world you want

Bill Abbate
Curated Newsletters
6 min readJul 31, 2024


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How do you see the world around you? Is each day filled with new, exciting experiences, or are you often overwhelmed by a blur of activities, feeling like you’re constantly falling behind? Perhaps life feels stagnant and monotonous, with each day blending into the next. Which would you prefer it to be? Regardless of your choice, you can do much to enrich your life. Read on to discover how to add more meaning to your days.

The impact of our thoughts

Let’s take a moment to reflect on our thoughts. As long as we’re alive, our brains are active. When brain activity ceases, life ends. It is similar for our thoughts. When they stagnate, we cease to exist in a meaningful way. What if your thoughts are the same old ones, day after day, year after year? Isn’t that similar to a kind of death? Just as your muscles atrophy from disuse, your brain atrophies when you stop using it.

If you are not purposeful, moving with some amount of resistance to maintain your strength, you waste away. Likewise, if you are not intentional in using your mind to think to maintain your mental health, you waste away. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

The mind as a resource



Bill Abbate
Curated Newsletters

Leadership Writer and Editor in ILLUMINATION, Leadership/Executive Coach, Author