Seek Wisdom for True Spirituality

Be Spiritual, Not Religious

Dr Michael Heng


Image by ha11ok from Pixabay

Life is essentially a spiritual journey for each of us. We are connected within the universe, and our connectedness draws us increasingly together intimately in an ever-expanding community of spiritual oneness in unity.

Spirituality refers to a conscious unconscious sense of organic connection to something bigger than ourselves which usually drives and emboldens meaning to empower purpose in life. We are born spiritual beings, and therefore deeply capable of embracing true spirituality. Awaken the spirituality within you.

Spiritual awakening begins from wisdom. With wisdom comes understanding. Wisdom comes with age, at least for some. Others choose to remain as immature children. Those who dare to go forth, grapple with and engage the mysteries of creation and divine intentions, will discover a spiritual awakening as they mature towards a fuller understanding when living a life in true spirituality.

The expansion of consciousness involved grounding in realistic truths. Of the perennial persistence of good and evil; of the very human tendency to act in greed and selfishness instead of love, compassion and grace; of the very unequal power balance between those with abundance and those who hungered for a small share of that abundance; of the hypocrisy of religious…



Dr Michael Heng

Top 50 Global Thought Leader and Influencer on CSR, Explorer, Enabler. Top Writer in Poetry. Drives ventures and enterprises. ILLUMINATION Editor and Writer.