Self-Care Sunday Ideas for YOU

Mayur Sarda
5 min readNov 14, 2020
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Sundays are the time to rest, free yourself from all stress gathered from work, and enjoy time with your loved ones. I am thankful to the person who has come up with the term Self-Care Sunday.

You are searching for ways to pamper yourself on the coming Sunday; that’s why you came to this post. I think you realize now that you owe yourself the care that you give to others.

The basic idea of self-care is to do things that make you feel good, but most of the things we do on weekends left us feeling depleted. We should avoid doing a party at some bar and spend time on our body and mind.

If you are not getting enough self-care, you have come to the right place to get some ideas.

How Self-care helps you?

It helps you to get some balance in life. You work for others for a whole week, and Sunday is the time you work upon yourself. You need to take responsibility for yourself mentally as well as physically. Self-care helps you get a balance in life and makes you busy with routines that calm your body, mind, and soul.

Below are the few ways self-care can help you:

  • Reducing stress
  • Create work and life balance
  • Avoid having a mental and physical illness

Self-care is important for people pleaser as they always under pressure to do something for others. Such people need to set aside some time on Sundays and take care of themselves; otherwise, they will suffer from some mental problems in the long run.

Personal care routine

You need to have some commitment to dedicate time to care for oneself. You need to stick to your commitment and follow the routine religiously.

You can dedicate your whole day to self-care (if you have time), but there are also some realistic ways to spend your time on it.

  • Quick sessions of Self-Care. (Half an hour)
  • Dedicate your morning to Self-care. (2 hours)
  • Dedicate your whole day to self-care.

Self-Care Sunday activities

The following self-care activities are allocated to different time segments.

Quick self-care ideas (30 minutes or less)

  • Write about the life you want to have in a journal.
  • Visualize the desired life you have jotted down on a journal and feel happy about it.
  • Prepare a cup of coffee and listen to your favorite song.
  • Feel gratitude for the things you have in life.
  • Take a morning stroll and connect with nature.
  • Do some deep breathing exercises for five minutes.
  • Talk to your old friends; they will rekindle the lost spark in you.
  • Have a look at the old photographs and relive some old memories.
  • Talk to your loved ones with an open heart. Share your problems with them, and you may come out with unexpected solutions.
  • Soak up the sunlight and rejuvenate your body.
  • Apply some essential oil to your body.
  • Get a foot massage.
  • Listen to some motivational or spiritual guru on a podcast.
  • Do somebody stretches that let the blood flow throughout the body.
  • If you want to feel lighter, than take out trash from your room. Get rid of worn-out clothes, books, electronic gadgets, and bedsheets you are holding for your years.
  • Clean your room.

Dedicate most of the morning time to self-care (More than 2 hours)

  • Watch your favorite movie.
  • Try to learn something new. (Cooking, calligraphy, painting, video editing, singing, foreign language) There are many tutorials available online.
  • Visit an old friend and have breakfast with him/her.
  • Moisturize your whole body with organic oil.
  • Watch a meditation tutorial on YouTube and try to meditate for a few minutes.
  • Wear comfortable cotton clothes.
  • Learn Yoga by attending online classes.
  • Take some time to bathe using essential oils and use a face mask. Take a hot water bath to relax your body.
  • Go on a long drive and listen to some retro songs.
  • Order your favorite food and eat to your heart’s content.
  • Think about growing spiritually and contemplate the purpose of your life. Many people in their 30’s, 40’s, and 50’s realize that they don’t have a purpose that instigates fire within them to thrive.
  • Do not check your emails and say no to any office work. Even if your neighbor or friend seeks your help politely, say no to them. If it is urgent, you should help; otherwise, you should not spend your Sunday solving others’ minor problems.
  • You must sleep for a few hours in the afternoon and allow your body to relax.
  • Get some flowers and a plant, and it will make you instantly happy.

Dedicate your whole day to self-care.

  • Explore your city as if you are a tourist.
  • Go for a picnic.
  • Go to the food market and shop for stuff that you like the most.
  • Invite your friends to your place and chill with them.
  • Visit a museum in your city.
  • Spend the day with your family and do some activity in which all can participate. (Play games like monopoly)
  • Spend some time at the beach.
  • Go to the library and read books of your choice.
  • Switch off your mobile for a day and free yourself from the office work. Connect internally and get disconnect from all the external things in life. So live a day without any distractions.
  • Do nothing for a few hours. It’s better to do nothing creative or meaningful for some hours. Don’t use your physical or mental energy for some time and take a rest.

My self-care Sunday routine.

I wait for Sunday so that I can dedicate my time to reading and writing. I am working on my second book, so I get lots of time to work on it. So, my Sunday self-care is to get evolve through reading and writing. You can choose activities of your interest from the above list and let your mind and body grow.

Do not limit yourself to take care of yourself to Sundays only. Self-care Sunday is just a phrase I have used in my blog, and you can take care of yourself on any day of the week.



Mayur Sarda

Check out my debut novel ,THE BOON... WAITING TO BE DISCOVERED. My blogging website