Self Improvement and Self Promotion

Understand the difference for a better Medium experience

Stuart Englander
Curated Newsletters


With every milestone I reach in my experiences on Medium, and particularly on ILLUMINATION and ILLUMINATION-Curated, I remind myself of the path I took to get here. Starting out, I was just happy to have a platform to have my thoughts presented for public consumption. I was under no illusion that anyone would actually react to my various musings.

Then along the way, I began to read other writers’ work and started to follow the people I felt I could relate to. As with any new venture, sometimes you are misled, and other times you discover pleasant surprises.

Gradually, I began to develop a good eye for writers that spoke to me, and of course, it helped me to ultimately become a better writer. When you begin this journey, finding your voice I think, is the key to opening doors for future successes. You have to be willing to put the time in.

Then, wonder of wonders, I started to develop a following. There were people actually willing to come back and read what I had to offer on a semi-regular basis. That validation propelled me to work harder at honing my craft.

Eventually, I reached out to other writers and submitted to publications who most of which, accepted me with open arms. After a few…



Stuart Englander
Curated Newsletters

If it comes to mind, I usually write about it. Lucky for you I don’t always publish it. Stuff I do post goes to your inbox from