Setting children props in React functional component - typescript

Anthony Aniobi
Curated Newsletters
2 min readJul 20, 2022

A short tutorial on how to set children props in Rect for functional components in typescript

Typescript with a ferris wheel in the background
Typescript | Pantheon

While setting children props in javascript comes without any problems, typescript on the other hand poses a slight problem due to the in built type checking which it comes with.

This typechecking has been a problem to some — as they prefer the “TYPE-LESS” javascript syntax — , and to many others (like myself) this brings a lot of advantages one of which is the code suggestion in your code editor of choice.

Anyways, this article doesn’t focus on the differences in typescript and javascript so I better get to it

The flexibilty of javascript (in types) allows javascript to set children props easily as is shown below

function Button (props) {
return <button>{props.children}</button>

This property can easily be utilized in javascript using the code

<Button>{/* add the child widget here */}
<some child component/>

And there you have it.

You have correctly set the children props for a custom component in React javascript but with typescript doing the same raises errors.

To set the children props for a component in typescript you would have to take into account the type of the children and in this case, it is of type JSX.Element. The code is as follows:

const Button= ({children}: {children: JSX.Element}) => (

You access this component like any other component with a child as follows:

{/* add the child component here*/}
<some child component/>

There you have it. You have completely setup children props in react functional component, and even more you did it in typescript


Good luck and happy coding

