Share a Little Sunshine in The Lives of Others

How to Spread Joy by Writing

Marjorie J McDonald
Curated Newsletters
4 min readNov 17, 2020


writing tips, creative writing, joy
Photo by Daniele Levis Pelusi on Unsplash

Joy of Writing

There is joy in writing about things that are going on in your life. There is also joy in writing about the lives of others. It is all about sharing. Think of the feeling you get when you get a card, a letter, an email, or a handwritten note shared across coffee, lunch, dinner, or even time.

Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, plus birthdays and anniversaries are typically days to share written remembrances. Still, recently as I moved and sorted through boxes, I found notes from my mother, who has passed away. It was extraordinary to go through those notes and remember what was going on during the time she wrote the letter to me — what a great way to connect with her memory.

Think about those personal communications you have received over your life and maybe even write a short story sharing your thoughts about what you got. You can tuck it away, or you can share it with others. ~ Marjorie J McDonald

A top-rated movie that I see being shown frequently on television is The Notebook. That movie is about love letters written that the man now shares (by reading) with his wife. She has Alzheimer’s and has…



Marjorie J McDonald
Curated Newsletters

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