Signs That Someone No Longer Cares About You

Listen to these signals when they speak.

Photo by Obie Fernandez on Unsplash

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Whether you have been engaged in a solid friendship, enjoyed the interaction of a friendly acquaintance, or maintained a professional partnership with another, sometimes these relationships end. And they may terminate abruptly.

This can be a hard reality to come to terms with, especially if you were emotionally attached to an individual. You enjoyed their company, appreciated having conversations with them along with the support and advice they gave, and so many other things that made them uniquely special to you. But sadly, everything suddenly changed.

The disposition of the person that was once dear to you deteriorates. They become rude to you, ignore you, and will not respond to the things that you do to try to stay connected with them. The most devastating thing is that you become invisible to this individual. When these things happen, you are forced to come to terms with a harsh fact. The person who was once dear to you does not care about you anymore.

The signs that their lack of concern and love as well as a lost interest in you as a friend, acquaintance, and professional colleague must be confronted. These are…



Dr. Deborah M. Vereen-Family Engagement Influencer
Curated Newsletters

Retired principal and professor who writes about motherhood, parents, education, positive school partnerships, Christianity, relationships, and family