Social Media's Impact on Generation Z's Mental Health

It is not too late, as Generation Z can still fight back for a better life

Tijjani Jibril


Woman with brown hair using phone outdoors.
Photo by Fallon Michael on Unsplash

Gen Z people are born into the digital age. They never asked for it, and yet, that’s all they’ve known. With the digital age comes the birth of something far more damaging— Social Media. Unlike their predecessors, Gen Z has had to face the difficulties that come with surfing the social media age without someone to guide them. They face the harsh reality of being flawed in a world curated to look perfect while being more connected than ever.

My Struggle for Authenticity

Unlike some individuals in Gen X, who are often known to value authenticity over appearances, my personal experience as a Gen Z has shown me that people have different opinions about us. Some people believe Gen Zers are superficial. Although I can see why they think this way, I don’t believe it to be true and find it offensive.

If you really look, you’ll see what Gen Zers actually crave, which is genuine connection. However, the very platforms that are designed to provide them with that connection are instead making them feel inadequate.

Filtered photos and perfectly crafted lifestyles from different people worldwide set an unrealistic standard…



Tijjani Jibril

I try my very best to share every little thing I have learned or will learn that I believe will be of value—and also tie them to my experiences!