Spring in my Step.

Late Spring here in Sydney Australia. My daily walk.

Dr John Frederick Rose


Intense yellow in bright sun. Just down from apartment. Picture by John rose.

Shopping and cooking,
Marking and dithering
spilt coffee on marking
now just dithering.

Time for walk,
Seeking peace,
Off to forest
contemplation and
no more spilt coffee.

Late Spring,
Intense sun,
Late afternoon
sparkling yellow against
flowering tree and
deep blue sky,
Invigorates me.

Google lens reckons it’s a Pink Oleander, well I got the pink bit right. Halfway to my forest. Picture by John Rose.

Just down from
yellow bonanza,
Large Oleander
delicate pinks,
Flourishing under
afternoon sun,
Calming beauty
stately and serene,
Years beside path.



Dr John Frederick Rose

Love poetry, forests and my garden. Managing health by diet and exercise. Interested in ideation, social and technology interactions.