A Sweet Tale

Sugar Versus Sweeteners

How wicked are they?

May More
5 min readJan 25, 2022


Lemon cake
Image by Sabolaslo from Pixabay

Nutrition has been a huge interest of mine since I was in my early 20s — that’s a while ago! I have earned a diploma in the topic and have worked in health food retail. And in my experience, it appears many people have a love/hate relationship with sugar. Personally, I think that too much of anything is not necessarily a good thing. But maybe a little of the sweet stuff is better than a lot of sweeteners? Let’s take a look…

A Taste of Sugar

Sugar is a simple carbohydrate. It provides a very rapid source of energy as the body digests and assimilates it quickly. However, eating too much may cause health problems.

One such drawback is tooth decay. The more often you’re eating sugary foods the more you give the bacterium in your mouth time to go to work on the sugar.

This creates an acid that can attack the enamel of your teeth.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Until I was in my early 20s I thought I couldn’t do without 2 sugars in my coffee. Then, I started a new job where the same person made the drinks every



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Gardener, Pet care & proud Mum / Mistress of Flash Fiction / Writer & Editor / Lipstick & Powder & Cocktail Club Pubs / Like food, coffee, hens & individuals 💜