Swallow Your Pride

Cherish being alive

Neha Sandhir S
Curated Newsletters
Nov 20, 2020


Image by Enrique Meseguer from Pixabay

It’s a beautiful life
All of God’s precious creations crafted
Instilled with soul or it’s presence in varied forms
You, dear human
Being the most exuberant crafted form alive
Try to swallow your pride
Every once in a while
And let yourself enjoy
The actual gravity of life
Through it’s varying phases of craftsmanship
Exquisitely designed
For your felt humane experience- sublime.

©Neha Sandhir. All Rights Reserved.



Neha Sandhir S
Curated Newsletters

Passionate Mother-Reiki Healer-Entrepreneur-Educator-SeniorEditor-Ayurveda-Yoga enthusiast-Masters in Business/Technology-Journeying through Spiritual Growth🌻