That Time My Staff Mocked Me in an Email Thread I Was On

There are better ways to learn if you’re a cringeworthy manager — like these four traits I’ve observed in myself and others

Clayton Moulynox


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Have you ever been sitting through an episode of “The Office” and thought, “Holy shit, I’ve worked with a Michael Scott doppelganger”? (Or, if you’re a fan of the original British version, substitute ‘David Brent’ for ‘Michael Scott’.)

Yep, that boss. The one whose every word screamed ‘cringe’ and had you praying for a surprise fire drill or divine intervention by way of a lightning bolt, leaving nothing but a smoking pair of shoes in its aftermath (harsh, but fair). If I had to describe that type of boss as a sound, it’d be the screech of long fingernails on a chalkboard. Eee-freakin’-eeeekk.

These ‘leaders,’ if we can even call them that without triggering our gag reflex, breeze through the office like it’s casual Friday every day. They’ve mastered the art of looking busy, but you’d be hard-pressed to find any real productive work. In their mind, actual work is reserved for the rookies— those poor souls yet to ‘pay their dues’ and earn the manager moniker.

Okay, so here’s a twist that’s more shocking than the grizzly ending of series 3 of Ozark (I’m a big fan). What…



Clayton Moulynox

Experience-based commentary on startups, tech, biz & life. Consults & invests @ & Ex-Microsoft, Ex-startup unicorn