The 1-Person Business Model Is Good, but the 2-Person Model Is Better

Here’s why.

Sinem Günel


Image by Author

Co-founding a business is hard because it requires sacrifices, compromises, and having tough conversations without taking things personally.

But it’s twice as hard if your business partner is also your life partner. And yet, I wouldn’t want to run my business with anyone but my fiancé.

Granted, it wasn’t always that way. It took us years to figure out how to use our strengths strategically, but it was worth the hassle.

I met my fiancé Philip, at an entrepreneurship conference in 2017. Six months later, we co-founded our first organization.

Today, we’re running a multi-six-figure business while working less than 30 hours per week.

When we started dating, we both knew we wanted to ditch the corporate world and do our own thing. So we started dozens of side projects until we figured out how to build a business that enables us to:

  • Work less
  • Make more money
  • And spend most of our time together

Even though more and more creator businesses are run by couples, most people rarely talk about why or how.

