The Art of Dreaming: 4 Reasons Why You Must Dream Big

The dream is the only hope

Emmanuel A. Anderson
Curated Newsletters


Dreaming and fantasizing about things is a quality associated with every child.

As children, we all in one way or the other dreamt about doing something with our lives when we grow up.

And growing up, we always had something in mind that whenever we’re asked about what we wanted to do, without mimicking words, with excitement, we answered this or that.

But as we get older, some of us lose those aspects of us. Something I believe it’s by the environment and also the system that we were taken through which we were told about things we should and shouldn’t do. That, who we are wasn’t taken into consideration before forcing those things on us.

This, to some extent, make most people lost themselves and the few that strive on, achieving and living their dreams become a struggle.

I’m a victim of that, and the same is you. You know!

That, to achieve those dreams and live the life you want, only God knows the psychological, emotional and the physical struggle you go or going through.

But in all of it, what makes you optimistic is the dream that you have. That, no matter the struggles you’re going through, you still keep your head high —…



Emmanuel A. Anderson
Curated Newsletters

Thinker || Writing to give meaning to life || Author of the upcoming book, "Heal yourself, heal the world."