The Beginner’s Guide to Breaking Out of a Writer’s Slump That You are Missing

Simple tips for you to start the month strong

Tom Handy
Curated Newsletters


Photo by Thirdman from Pexels

I was in a writer’s slump like many writers over the past few months. I did three things to break out of my slump that I’ll share. This past month was one of my best months since last summer.

As a writer, I have no problem sharing my lessons and tips. Currently, I don’t plan to create a course to charge writers. Maybe one day in the future that will change. For now, I share my lessons online at no charge. I only appreciate your support and fellowship.

For my followers, I appreciate that you take the time to read my work. I don’t think I’m a good writer. I just share what I’m thinking. Maybe I do owe my professors in school who used the red ink one too many times on my work.

Writing is like a game

I see life is like a game and writing is just one of those games that you play as a writer. Whether you are playing chess, checkers, or an online video game, you play to win. If you are not playing to win, then you are doing something wrong.

Do you play one of these games to win or to lose?



Tom Handy
Curated Newsletters

I ghostwrite articles for FinTech executives. Seen in Morning Brew, Money magazine, & Who's Who. Get my free email course