The Beginning Of A New Dawn

But, like the sun rising, some things never change

Liam Ireland
Curated Newsletters
3 min readDec 5, 2020


Photograph by Jasper Boer on Unsplash

Julius Caesar, James Maddison, the fourth President of the United States, and Machiavelli, amongst many, had one thing in common which we can see all too clearly in evidence in our modern day lives. Divide and rule, which proves the old adage that the more things change the more they stay the same.

In recent years the United Kingdom has had a very socially and politically divisive Brexit, which rages on unabated and I suspect will do for quite some time, followed by an equal, socio-political, divisive reaction to the corona virus pandemic. And now we have a social climate deeply infected by the events following the presidential elections in the United States.

Across all three events, many people have been drawn into conflicting positions not fully realising the implications for themselves and their loved ones. Some just try to avoid the subject, whatever it is, rendering it the elephant in the room.

Very few see things for what they really are, that is an attempt to distract peoples attention from other serious problems by setting them at each others throats. For whilst the people are busy tearing each other apart they are becoming dis-united and thereby dis-empowered as any potential threat to the ruling state.

