Why The Best Gift To Give Yourself Is Self-Love

Grace Mary Power
Curated Newsletters
10 min readDec 13, 2023


Deep acceptance of yourself leads to self-love and self-love leads to loving others best

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Self-love means accepting yourself as you are in this very moment. When you accept yourself for who you are you are empowered to care for yourself. To accept yourself you have to know yourself and like yourself.

Giving yourself the gift of self-love is rather like putting yourself in a washing machine and removing unwanted energy that has been holding you back. Washing away the effects of stressful experiences lets your true self shine. You become more confident about what you do and you are in touch with your wants, interests, and needs.

Your appreciation, respect for and care of yourself makes you feel “clean.” This is in terms of clarity in knowing that you have value and that you can go for what you value, for example, friendship, understanding, and equality.

Feeling good enough or worthy brings clarity around everything. Not only are you loving but you are lovable and loved by many!

Pema Chodron, an American Tibetan-Buddhist, said:

“When we start to develop unconditional acceptance of ourselves, then we are really taking care of ourselves in a way that pays off. We feel more at home with our own bodies and minds and more at home in the world…



Grace Mary Power
Curated Newsletters

Editor of Thirty over Fifty. I help you to care for yourself through spirituality and tech. We need both.