Inspiration | Life
The Best Way to Live
Giving and taking
A large part of maturing is learning about and experiencing the vast chasm between selfishness and unselfishness. Let’s look at how our decisions to be on one side or the other can help or hurt our chances of living a great life.
What does it mean to be selfish or unselfish?
When you are young, it can be challenging to understand the concepts of selfishness and unselfishness. Yet, as you age, the difference becomes apparent. Some choose one path, and some choose the other, while most straddle both.
Looking at history, you will find the most influential people in the world are entirely on one side of the other, selfish or unselfish to the extreme. Why is this? Why indeed.
The Oxford Languages online dictionary definition of selfish, as well as unselfish, and its synonym, selfless, are:
selfish — lacking consideration for others
unselfish — willing to put the needs or wishes of others before one’s own.
selfless — concerned more with the needs and wishes of others than with one’s own; unselfish.
It is always helpful to look at synonyms for words to further clarify their meanings. A few for…