The Blatant Disrespect for COVID-19 Coronavirus in this Country is Killing More than Just the People

A mask is not a political statement people!

Amarie 💖
Curated Newsletters


Video by Joshua Malic from Pixabay

COVID-19 in the United States

(stats as of the time of this writing)

  • 7.58M cases
  • 212K deaths

And counting…

But, WAIT! It gets worse.

Research data from the CDC shows that case counts are likely 6 to 24 times higher than reported in some cities.

Does that not alarm you?

I would think it would be enough to alarm anybody!

Photo by Evan Wise on Unsplash

More than people dying

Aside from the alarming number of deaths by this virus are the startling number of dead businesses and the crashing economy with a record-high unemployment rate.

Here’s just a few of the major companies that have filed for bankruptcy due to COVID-19 and how it has tanked their businesses:

  • True Religion Apparel
  • J. Crew



Amarie 💖
Curated Newsletters

Writing is my passion. My goal is to inform, enlighten, motivate, and inspire.