The Body Odor Encounter That Nearly Ruined Flying For Me

Just a Canadian trying to get to Cancun

Tim Ebl
Curated Newsletters
5 min readNov 20, 2020



Our tickets were for separate locations on the plane.

“But we won’t be sitting together!” my wife said. She was upset.

“It’ll be okay. We’re right across from each other. They said they can’t change it anyway. Let’s just go with it. Whatever it takes to get to Cancun, right?”

She wasn’t impressed, but there wasn’t anything to do. So we sat and waited until time to get on the plane.

My only concern was how Nicole would handle sitting separately. I really didn’t mind too much. I had no idea how what was in store, or I would have moved mountains to change it.

Separately seated

We boarded the plane and everything was fine. My seat row mates hadn’t gotten on yet, so I sat down all alone on my aisle spot. A regular old uncomfortable airplane piece of seat.

We were both on the aisle, side by side. I could still hold her hand during takeoff so she wouldn’t have a panic attack. It’s not like I was at the back, with my wife somewhere up front. We could deal.

We looked into each others eyes and smiled with excitement. We were officially on vacation. It was perfect.



Tim Ebl
Curated Newsletters

I help busy guys lose the dadbod, get their energy back and feel 20 yrs younger!.