The Broken Plate Teaches Life’s Lessons: Learnings From Alexander The Great

Materialistic things are temporary focus on everlasting happiness

Dr. Preeti Singh
Curated Newsletters
5 min readApr 17, 2021


Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

When things break in your house, do you feel sad? There are some possessions that you have with you, that were a collector’s dream. Some artefacts that you collected on your travels are the pride of your living room. If they break how do you feel?

You feel as though you have lost something that was a part of your life. It was loaded with memories. I am sure when things break they affect you. This affects your mental health too.

How does a broken plate teach you a lesson? I read a story by Trista Signe Ainsworth on what a broken plate taught her. I immediately thought of my past experience and I wanted to share it with everyone so that the lessons that I learned would help others towards the guidance of receiving joy in life when things break and not feel gloomy about it.

The Broken Plate
My story dates back to four decades ago. One evening, we had a large dinner to celebrate the birth of my eldest son. There was a lot of crockery and utensils after dinner. I stacked them all as it was late at night…



Dr. Preeti Singh
Curated Newsletters

Doctorate in Finance, Professor, Author, I write about Life’s experiences, edutech. 9xTop writer.