The Deep State

It can be called a KGB equivalent in how they operate behind the government without us knowing it.

Veritas Civis


In his first book Mike Lofgren, “The Party is Over: How Republicans Went Crazy, Democrats Became Useless, and the Middle Class Got Shafted,” Publisher Weekly had this to say about the book: “A scrupulously bipartisan diagnosis of the sick state of American politics and governance . . . Lofgren devotes close attention to budget issues rarely accorded so much detail in garden-variety op-ed warfare. Sustaining his original thesis well beyond Internet-browsing attention span, Lofgren has crafted an angry but clear-sighted argument that may not sit well at family reunions or dinner parties, but deserves attention.”

The name “Deep State” was adopted in a 2016 book by Mike Lofgren called — “The Deep State: The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of a Shadow Government.”

The “Deep State,” since Eisenhower, has become the “Dark Matter” of the political universe. In the Universe, “dark matter is an invisible form of matter that accounts for most of the universe’s mass.”¹

Dark Matter Map in Galaxy Cluster Abell 1689, Hubble Space Telescope ACS/WFC — Credit NASA, ESA, and D. Cole (JPL/Caltech and STScl). The Dark matter is the thick black veins that run between the cloudy-looking arms of the cluster. Invisible, but it contains the largest mass in the universe, ~ 85%.

The “New York Journal of Books” said — “In one sense, this is a very scary book. The old axiom that fact is stranger than fiction applies in this case. Most Americans have a vague sense of how the government works, but few really understand it. In reading Lofgren’s well-researched book, it quickly becomes apparent that he has taken the time and made the effort to educate the rest of us.”

The Deep State is an organism that supports War and the manipulation of money to finance them. All out of our pockets, thus, OUR DEBT.

It is the “black thread force that runs through the history of the last 30 years.” No matter who is in power.

The story follows we could say, the ideas of John le Carre, the British novelist who wrote many thrilling novels about spies and the subterranean “Deep State” system that supported them.

Mike Lofgren retired from civil service after 28 years of service, many of the last with the House and Senate’s powerful budget committees. A Republican, he decided to retire from service in 2011 for a specific reason — he saw, firsthand the truth of the fact that year after year, “the numbers did not add up.” A true Patriot, he could no longer participate in the way our government operates today and could no longer be part of the hypocrisy. He was:

“appalled at the headlong rush of Republicans to embrace policies that are deeply damaging to this country’s future; and contemptuous of the feckless, craven incompetence of Democrats in their half-hearted attempts to stop them.”

We, in America, after killing 620,000 of ourselves in a civil war, decide to become rational again to stop the carnage. Then, U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, in The Gettysburg Address, November 19, 1863, said, “…that these dead shall not have died in vain– that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” That speech continues to go around the world as an exceptional exclamation for us to be “human.”

Later, in 1959, in his farewell speech, Our President, Dwight Eisenhower, pointed out three observations that are true to this day²:

  1. The speech was “a solemn moment in a decidedly unsolemn time”, warning a nation “giddy with prosperity, infatuated with youth and glamour, and aiming increasingly for the easy life.”
  2. We must “avoid the impulse to live only for today, plundering for our own ease and convenience the precious resources of tomorrow.”
  3. And his warning about “the Military-Industrial Complex” (today — The Deep State.”)

He said, and it is worth reading²:

Until the latest of our world conflicts (*WWII), the United States had no armaments industry. American makers of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as well. But we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense. We have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. Added to this, three and a half million men and women are directly engaged in the defense establishment. We annually spend on military security alone more than the net income of all United States corporations.

This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence — economic, political, even spiritual — is felt in every city, every Statehouse, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet, we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources, and livelihood are all involved. So is the very structure of our society.

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.”²

Like Russia, today we have a tyrannical government inside our government called “The Deep State” lives.

Thanks to Mike Lofgren. His background details can be read here. He retired from civil service as a Republican U.S. Congressional aide in 2011 for a specific reason — he saw firsthand the truth of the way our government operated until May 2011. He could not participate in the hypocrisy any longer.

In September 2011, he published an essay in “Truthout,” titled “Goodbye to All That: Reflections of a GOP Operative Who Left the Cult.” Where he explains why he retired and the fact that he was “appalled at the headlong rush of Republicans to embrace policies that are deeply damaging to this country’s future; and contemptuous of the feckless, craven incompetence of Democrats in their half-hearted attempts to stop them.

It is a good first read for skeptics who are interested in understanding why “our government is owned by the deep state.” Both parties are locked up in battle while they get all the money they want regardless of our “national budget.”

There are FIVE PENTAGONS today; why am I yelling? Because they have built all they have by taking it out of OUR POCKETS! -> What do you think the debt is?

All the unexplained things in governments are the deep state doing. Politicians are the mascara of “The Phantom Of The Opera.”

  • Dwight Eisenhower (1953–1961) Warned us about the “Deep State” — nobody paid attention
  • John F. Kennedy (1961–1963) This begs the question: given that Eisenhower briefed JFK on the “Deep State” and told him much more than what he told us, a reasonable thought. Further, we can be sure Eisenhower left him with suggestions for dealing with it. JFK was doing an outstanding job as President and was certain to be re-elected. However, he was assassinated. He probably refused to start the war in Vietnam, did a bad job retaking Cuba, and instead started the “Race to Space,” no wonder he was killed… The rest, as we know, is a lie but history. We may never know the truth.
  • Lyndon Johnson (1963–1969) Did as he was told and started the WAR in Vietnam, and when the Deep State failed miserably in running it, LBJ did not run for president and “retired.”
  • Nixon (1969–1974) focused on reducing the dangers of the Cold War between the Soviet Union and China.
  • From Nixon through Reagan, there were minor bellicose skirmishes, nothing serious. Worth mentioning is the fall of the Berlin Wall, a triumph for the “free” World, and the start of global disarmament (for what it was worth because it did not last long, did it?). The deep state of the old Soviet Union eventually got its way, and today, they are drilling holes in the Soyuz space lifeboats we buy to bring our astronauts home.
  • George H. W. Bush (1989–1984): The invasion of Panama and a full-blown Iraq War. This was a good practice run with real war drama, exercising the lethality of our armament against a much inferior enemy, except for their men’s ability to fight.
  • William J. Clinton (1993–2001) sent the Air Force to intervene in the Yugoslav Wars, but no American crewmen were lost. The major trouble spots during his two terms were in Africa (Somalia and Rwanda) and Eastern Europe (Bosnia, Herzegovina, and Kosovo in the former Yugoslavia)³.
  • George W. Bush (2001–2009) After 9/11 The fall of “International and National surveillance.” Surprise nobody prevented it with as many intelligence agencies? The excuse was that they were not “coordinated.” The excuse shows “the ignorance of our multi-trillion dollar government in the knowledge of “systems.” However, it was used to pass “The Patriot Act,” The Most infamous set of words to go into deeper debt to build another Pentagon for themselves.
    The wars in Afghanistan and Re-engagement of the war in Iraq via a lie cooked-up by the Deep State. The war in Iraq went from 2003 to 2011 and cost us, the American people around 8 Trillion dollars (we have to wonder how many Americans got rich from these wars instigated by the Deep State). The Armed Forces today has at least 5 pentagons that we know of. Further, A global meltdown in financial markets dominated his last days in office as policymakers looked to avert a major economic disaster, and he established the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) to buy toxic assets from financial institutions. ALL IS CONNECTED.
  • Barack Obama (2009–2017) Obama inherited the Iraq War, the Afghanistan War, and various aspects of the War on Terror, all of which began during the Bush administration. He presided over the gradual draw down of U.S. soldiers in Iraq, culminating in the near-total withdrawal of U.S. soldiers from Iraq in December 2011.
  • Donald Trump (2017–2021) was an “outsider in office.” The man was clean as a whistle, with nothing to blackmail him with. What did the deep state do? Create interminable lies throughout his entire presidency to force him out and failed. Today, the Deep State is doing its best to keep him from becoming president again. I feel for the man. Someone could say he is made of Iron. If he makes it into office, I wonder if he will survive his term.

The name “Deep State” was adopted in a 2012 book by Mike Lofgren called “The Party Is Over: How Republicans Went Crazy, Democrats Became Useless and the Middle Class Got Shafted.

It is the “red thread that runs through the history of the last 30 years.” No matter who is in power.

The original American who defined what Deep State means

His background details can be read here.

Key factions of the 4th branch of government have become independent of and today, with Machiavellian Manipulations, work the government to do as they wish.

The story follows, we could say, the ideas of John Lecare. The British novelist wrote thrilling novels about spies and the subterranean “Deep State” system that supported them.

  1. The Deep State keeps the very expensive war machine alive and get all the money they want.
  2. The “government faces the people” and keeps them busy, while this faction operates behind the curtain with impunity.
  3. We are the puppets of this opera. Why? We allow them to distract us with “idealism” to put us at each other’s throats.

All, at the expense of the Country’s people. And who makes the Country?


  1. Hubble’s Dark Matter Mass,”
  2. Eisenhower’s Farewell Address.
  3. Bill Clinton — “Foreign policy of the Bill Clinton administration.”
  4. George W. Bush, “Presidency of George W. Bush.”
    Nine/Eleven Attacks.
  5. Barack Obama, “Foreign policy of the Barack Obama administration
  6. Scuppernong Books, Review by Publisher Weekly.
  7. Publisher Weekly, “The Party is Over: How Republicans Went Crazy, Democrats Became Useless, and the Middle Class Got Shafted”



Veritas Civis

Independent Thinker; Learned by Reading; Work to Improve; Love Family; Belief: It’s the truth that makes us one, It’s the center of our sun (“Everybody Cries”).