The Difference Between Unity and Accountability

Helen Cassidy Page
Curated Newsletters
6 min readNov 11, 2020


Parsing Joe Biden’s message to heal our national divide.

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

Elections have consequences.

Or do they?

We know they have winners and losers, but in this post-election, pre-inaugural era, the question of consequences weighs heavily in the public discourse, or it at least lights up my Twitter feed.

This morning Jake Tapper of CNN posted a tweet that brought to our attention an organization called The Trump Accountability Project. He claimed the organization aimed to prevent anyone in the administration from getting a job once the Biden team took over.

Quoting from Tapper, “Click on the link — the manifesto says this applies to “those who took a paycheck from the Trump Administration.” That’s a pretty long list of Americans.”

Now, if I have any followers left after my hiatus from daily postings, you know I love a snarky response as much as the next smartass. So I promptly retweeted something along the lines of, “240k lives. That’s a pretty long list of Americans, Jake.”

See, I have some feels about the consequences of an election. And letting Trump enablers off with a letter of recommendation and two weeks severance pay rubs me the wrong way. But then I got to thinking. Not everyone in the government was a Trump…



Helen Cassidy Page
Curated Newsletters

Writer, editor, researcher, aging expert, life coach, sand tray coach. Read one of my 55 titles on Amazon: