The Ego of “People” is Killing Humanity

Currently, People are trying very hard to commit suicide. This is hard to understand but true today, given the nature of the war in Ukraine.

Veritas Civis
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Based on the ISW report of July 5th, “Russian President Vladimir Putin used a meeting with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on July 5 to oppose a negotiated ceasefire altogether and expressed his commitment to pursuing a “final” end to the war that would achieve his goal of destroying Ukrainian statehood.It sounds so much like “Hitler’s” “Final Solution.”

The Writrix, author of “Five Reasons Why WWI Was an Unprecedented Act of Madness, Waste, and Utter Futility,” tells the story clearly how people hate for “other people” are willing to kill each other because “they are right.”

The “Ego Talking.” — Image By Ashleigh Brilliant, With permission by the Author.

“They are right” is a true statement since “Cain and Abel.” It also shows that we have learned nothing since then. The ability of weapons to kill others in mass has improved alongside technology.

Russia today is using chemical weapons and proposes to use Nuclear Weapons on humanity. These are weapons that do not discriminate. They are called weapons of mass destruction for that reason.

It’s funny how that parallels our angst over having “The Majority” rule instead of the Electoral College, which was designed to put the individual above the mass of people.

The difference between being human and being people is an abyss created by people’s “Egos.” In war, the command echelons demand and approve weapons in order to win “at any cost.” In Russia, that would be Putin.

At the end of WWI, the winners demanded “humiliating” terms from the “enemy,” and they were accepted because the losers had “run out of money.” Why the Treaty of Versailles? The ego of the winners demanded this because they could get it.

Then, calls for more lenient terms were ignored. The losers went hungry after WWI. Money was worthless, good only to build fires, the real meaning of “worth less than the paper it was printed on.

Just to be clear, as I grew up, I constantly heard my mother tell us, every time we came home with black eyes, bruises, or bloody noses, “A human being is a rational animal; when you stop being rational, you are just an animal.” That is how far we go when we stop being rational and allow our ego to take over.

We are “rational” as long as we keep our “ego” in check.

The ego exists and escalates from people to governments. Why? They are run by people. In the end, they have to make the decision. Politicians feel the pressure of “all the people that suffered during the war.” Thus, they feel this pressure and are just as angry. History shows us they have always made the wrong decisions. Why? It perpetuates War.

Meanwhile, “Leaders” cannot afford to “fix the past.” They look to the future we need to build. If we do that and forgive our neighbors, peace will last longer.

War is a “political tool.” It is hard to be a leader; it is easy to be a politician.

After WWI, some people in Russia decided that the Czar’s “system” was not working for them. So, they “fixed it” with a revolution. They decided on a “government by the people.” Who ended up sitting on the new throne?

Stalin, an infinite egomaniac who had to die of “natural causes,” nobody could stand up to him. However, before he was finished, he had exterminated the greatest part of the German prisoners of World War II and 30 million Russians. The People’s government was no longer. Today, it is being run by another ego-maniac who wants to rebuild the Soviet Union.

WWI was the war that started all Wars and truly brought armed conflict to the entire world as the expression of the powerful (the deep state distrust of all politicians).

WWI brought the Russian Revolution and Communism to Russia; in addition, it was the seminal cause of WWII because the clauses of the “Peace Treaty” were all against Germany.

Except for better technology, WWII was a punch-out duplicate of WWI; we gave birth to the earth-ending Nuclear era and passed it on to the world. Today is in the hands of mad leaders.

To Eisenhower’s deepest fears, it brought us the “Deep State” — a government inside our government which single-handedly has created the DEBT we are living with (read — “The Deep State: The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of a Shadow Government”); they have done exactly what the Germans did during WWI, create a huge War Complex that “we the people” have to feed. Last but not least, it has separated the World into two camps and has extended the threat to space. This can be called superlative Ego.

What are “we” here for? Earth bacteria and viruses created us through infinite combinations over millions of years, and we are killing each other like we were bugs. Meanwhile, we call ourselves all kinds of nice names, “Sentient Beings, the Human Race, etc. Some created “religion” to expose the best of the Human race to “God.”

Funny, the very first World Power was the Catholic church, and they made war against the Muslims (who still hate the West for that). They made War against Humanity through the “Medieval Inquisition.” That was the Power of men in the “name of God.”

God to the World today seems to be WAR! Or, so says “The Deep State.”

When will we learn to vote for leaders, not “politicians.” That is the difference between courage and fear. The difference between today’s “humans” and “Bugs.”




Veritas Civis
Curated Newsletters

Independent Thinker; Learned by Reading; Work to Improve; Love Family; Belief: It’s the truth that makes us one, It’s the center of our sun (“Everybody Cries”).