Part I — The Feminist Shadow’s Odd Obsession with “The Patriarchy”

Feminism can never let it go.

Jack Kammer, MSW, MBA


“A Meeting of The Patriarchy” by Steven Van Valkenburg, @PatriarchyCtrl on Twitter/X, using Bing Image Creator

In Psychology, a Shadow is that part of our personalities that carries for us the bad traits we hold but wish to deny so we can preserve our self-images as good people. More than anything, “The Patriarchy” and its supposed impulse to “oppress women and children” is the Feminist Shadow’s projection onto men of feminism’s own impulse to use power selfishly for its own goals and designs and to use power ruthlessly against anyone whose interests inconveniently merit countervailing consideration, towit: men and boys.

As one point of evidence I will state that after careful examination of all the minutes of all the meetings of The Patriarchy I have ever attended, the phrase “women and children first” appears far more often than “oppress women and children first,” an occurrence I count, in fact, as “never.”

Moreover, I would like it noted that I am an activist holder of stock in The Patriarchy. I often state at shareholder meetings that our current board of directors is doing a very poor job indeed of advancing the interests of men and boys over all others. I stand up , look around the room at the other shareholders, mention statistics on various measures of male struggle and unhappiness, and plead, “Is this any way to run a Patriarchy?”



Jack Kammer, MSW, MBA

Jack is a masculist, a fair counterpart to feminists. Since 1983 he has worked in radio, print, video and in-person to address sexism against men and boys.