The First Ship To Carry Vaccine Around The Globe

Maria Pita, a Spanish ship, took the smallpox vaccine to all parts of the world.

Karthick Nambi
Curated Newsletters


Maria Pita. Source-

It was a ship full of young boys, and two of them were sick. The sick boys are about to save the world from a fatal disease and would land in a foreign land. The ship will be the first ship to transport a vaccine on a round trip around the world. The vessel was Maria Pita.

Small Pox:

Vaccination in progress. Source-

Smallpox was a dangerous disease in the 17th century. The disease caused severe fever followed by lumps all over the body. If not treated on time, it could lead to death. There was no vaccine available for smallpox until 1798.

A British scientist Edward Jenner found that a cow when infected by smallpox, secret an antibody in its utter. When injected into humans, the secretion created mild smallpox symptoms but developed immunity from future smallpox infections. The discovery was revolutionary, and the method was named vaccination which vaguely “cow” in Latin. As it was pre-refrigeration days and the vaccine needed a different agent for transportation.

Maria Pita:

