The Harmony of Writing and Motherhood

Unveiling the Synergies of Productivity and Family

Olivia Reed
5 min readJun 26, 2024


Photo by Alex Knight on Unsplash

Ever feel like you’re juggling a million things at once? That’s my life. My toddler is in full meltdown mode because she wants to wear her unicorn costume to the park. Meanwhile, my six-year-old is demanding help with a clay statue of her “imaginary friend.” My writing deadline is looming, adding to the chaos. Welcome to the life of a working mom, a whirlwind where the demands of motherhood and my writing career often collide.

But I’ve discovered something amazing: instead of seeing these two parts of my life as separate entities, I’ve learned to harness their synergy. Motherhood has become my wellspring of inspiration, and my writing helps me find a rhythm amidst the constant motion of raising two little ones. It’s not always easy, but I’m here to share the secrets of finding balance and even thriving in this exciting balancing act.

Finding Inspiration in the Chaos

One day, a total writing block hit me. I stared at the empty screen, feeling completely lost. My creativity had vanished.

But then, my six-year-old daughter, Sharon, decided it was the perfect time to build a beehive out of clay. She wanted to know everything about the queen bee, the worker bees, and how they made honey. We spent the afternoon creating, sharing stories, and learning about these fascinating creatures. It was a burst of creative energy, and it completely unlocked my writer’s block. That afternoon, my story came to life, filled with a new energy and emotional depth. It wasn’t just about the bees; it was about the joy of sharing that moment with my daughter, the wonder in her eyes, and the way her creativity sparked my own. It was a reminder that inspiration can come from the most unexpected places, especially when you’re open to the beauty of your own family’s everyday moments.

Photo by Xinyi W. on Unsplash

Micro-Moments: Writing in the Cracks of Life

Finding time to write in a busy life? It’s all about those small moments that seem insignificant.

Moments like meal prep, where I jot down ideas on sticky notes. Bath time becomes a story time, filled with silly songs and rhymes about imaginary creatures with my daughters. Even driving to and from work transforms into a chance to brainstorm or jot ideas down on my phone. My husband, Austin, is a talented woodworker, and his workshop in our backyard is a haven of calm and focus. Watching him create with his hands is truly inspiring, reminding me of the power of craftsmanship. It’s about taking the time to create something beautiful and lasting, just like writing. It’s all about finding those little pockets of time, those tiny bursts of inspiration, and weaving them into my writing. This is the secret to keeping my creativity alive, even as a busy mom.

The Power of Pre-Planning

I truly believe in the power of planning. It’s not about micromanaging every moment, but rather about cultivating a sense of peace amidst the inevitable chaos of life.

My family uses a dedicated calendar, not just for doctor’s appointments and swim lessons, but for scheduling writing time as well. Every week, I mark down a few hours where I can fully dedicate myself to my writing. The result? Those writing sessions are incredibly productive because I’ve already planned out our meals, activities, and even outfits for the week. Austin, my partner, is a master planner too. He often plans out family woodworking projects, allowing me to trust that he’s fully present with the girls while I’m at my desk. Planning ahead is like creating a sturdy safety net, giving me the peace of mind to focus on my writing, knowing my family is well taken care of. It’s all about finding that perfect balance where family time and writing can flourish together.

Photo by Shifaaz shamoon on Unsplash

Finding Boundaries and Rhythm

Finding balance isn’t about making choices — it’s about creating harmony.

Setting boundaries is key, and respecting them is essential. It’s about finding a rhythm that works for everyone involved, like a well-oiled ship sailing smoothly towards its destination. I’ve found that dedicating even just thirty minutes a day to writing, a consistent practice, helps me stay on course. Austin and I make sure to sit down together every night for dinner, no matter how busy our days might be. It’s our sacred space to connect, to share, and to recharge our batteries. The creative sparks that ignite my writing often come from my daughters — they’re my constant source of inspiration. Katherine’s dedication to swimming, mastering every stroke, reminds me of the power of discipline and practice. Sharon’s intricate clay sculptures are a testament to her imagination and the beauty of art, a constant source of wonder. These experiences, the joys and challenges of family life, weave their way into my stories, adding a touch of reality and emotion. It’s a beautiful cycle of inspiration and connection, a reminder that life’s greatest stories are often found in the everyday moments. It’s not always easy, but it’s definitely worth it.

The Harmony of It All

It’s possible, you know, to balance motherhood and writing. Imagine creating a beautiful symphony of both! We’ve already explored finding inspiration in the everyday chaos, crafting time for writing in stolen moments, and the magic of pre-planning.

Ultimately, it’s all about finding a system that fits you perfectly, embracing those flashes of inspiration, and creating a rhythm that allows both your family and your passions to flourish. Share your own secrets for finding this harmony in the comments! I’m excited to hear your stories.



Olivia Reed

Hi! I'm Olivia :). I live in Miami with Austin, my wobbly-chair carpenter husband, and our kids, Sharon and Katherine. Join our fun productivity journey!