The Heartbeat of a Beekeeper’s Writing

Balancing Productivity and Family with the Rhythm of the Hive

Olivia Reed
Curated Newsletters
4 min readJun 22, 2024


Photo by Xinyi W. on Unsplash

Picture this: I’m deeply engrossed in aerospace equations, my mind abuzz with complex calculations. Suddenly, a tiny hand reaches for my face. It’s my daughter, Katherine, wanting a cuddle.

I’m a productivity enthusiast, so balancing work, family, and my passion for beekeeping can be a challenge. But it’s also a beautiful journey. Today, I’m going to share how I manage to keep my writing focused, my family happy, and my bees thriving, all while maintaining a sense of balance and sanity (mostly!).

Miami Mayhem!

Miami life is a vibrant dance. Austin, my husband, is an anesthesiologist by day, but a woodworking wizard by night, crafting furniture that takes my breath away. Sharon, our eldest, molds clay into breathtaking sculptures, her creations making my heart swell with pride. And Katherine, our youngest, is a pool-loving mermaid, happiest when she’s splashing and playing in the water.

With so much going on, it’s easy to get swept up in the current. But I’ve discovered the secret, like the bees in my apiary, to finding rhythm amidst the whirlwind.

Photo by Caleb Jones on Unsplash

The Hive Mind

Imagine a beehive — a symphony of activity, beautifully organized, yet running smoothly. That’s how my writing schedule feels. I’ve learned to prioritize writing sessions, just like I schedule time for family and my beekeeping duties. It might sound structured, but it’s actually quite freeing. Knowing I have dedicated time for writing eliminates the guilt and lets me truly appreciate the process.

It’s like creating a safe haven for my creative thoughts, a space where they can flourish free from the daily grind. Of course, life can be unpredictable. Sometimes, my daughter has a meltdown right before a deadline — a real curveball! But even then, I can adapt. Maybe it’s a quick writing session during nap time, or a late-night scribble fest after the kids are asleep. The key is to show up for my writing, just like I do for my family and my bees. It’s about finding that sweet spot, where productivity and passion come together in a beautiful, buzzing harmony.

The Power of Teamwork

My bees taught me a valuable lesson: teamwork is essential. Whether my daughters are helping with chores or Austin’s building a desk, we all work together. This same spirit of collaboration extends to my writing.

I often brainstorm with my family, and their insights are invaluable. Sharon, my daughter, comes up with brilliant, unexpected ideas for my blog posts. Austin, my husband, helps me refine my writing, making it more engaging for readers. It’s a true team effort, and the results are incredibly rewarding.

Photo by Taylor Kopel on Unsplash

The Stormy Weather

Writing isn’t always easy, especially when juggling deadlines and family commitments. There are days when it feels like I’m drowning in work, particularly when my kids need extra attention.

But I’ve learned to adapt, just like a beehive navigating a storm. Instead of trying to write for hours on end, I’ve found that short bursts of writing are much more effective. Even just 15 minutes here and there can make a big difference. It’s about making the most of every moment, just like a bee makes the most of every flower, extracting the sweetness of each opportunity.

The Buzzing Conclusion

Beekeeping and writing share a remarkable connection — both are about finding the perfect balance between productivity and passion. Just like a beehive thrives on teamwork and organization, a successful writer needs the right tools and a bit of wisdom to manage their time and energy.

The key is to find that sweet spot where productivity and passion intertwine, creating a powerful synergy. It’s a dance, a balancing act, but with the right approach, it’s a rhythm you can truly master. Do you have any questions about managing a busy life while still pursuing your passion for writing? Share your thoughts in the comments below!



Olivia Reed
Curated Newsletters

Hi! I'm Olivia :). I live in Miami with Austin, my wobbly-chair carpenter husband, and our kids, Sharon and Katherine. Join our fun productivity journey!