Teaching Kids About Coronoavirus Doesn't Have To Be Scary

How to use humor and play to educate kids

Matt Inman


Photo by CDC on Unsplash

Recently, I visited a friend of mine who has the most precocious seven-year-old daughter. We were in his kitchen talking about the news of the day, when she interrupted us at the mention of the word virus. Since the coronavirus, or Covid-19, is all everyone is talking about these days, I wasn’t surprised she was interested.

She started to tell me how she was upset with this virus. It was causing her “undue hardship” (her words not mine).

So, I took the bait.

“What kind of hardship is it causing you?” I asked.

“Well,” she said, “I have to wash my hands many more times a day and for longer than I usually would.”

“Ah, I see,” I said, “and that’s causing you a lot of pain?”

“No, it’s just annoying,” she said.

“How so?” I asked.

“Have you ever had to wash your hands that much?” she grumbled.

I said, “Yes, I used to work in a restaurant while in college; we had to wash our hands quite often.”

“Oh, I’m sure it’s not the same,” she insisted.



Matt Inman

Writer, Tech, and Travel nerd. Connecting with amazing people to encourage you to take action in your life. Let’s talk — mattinman.com