Uncover the Curated Secrets of Writing Excellence

Olivia Reed
5 min readJun 24, 2024


Photo by ian dooley on Unsplash

I love telling stories, you know? Recently, I embarked on a deeply personal project, exploring the challenges of juggling our family’s busy schedule. Between beekeeping, anesthesiology, crafting with Sharon, and swimming with Katherine, it’s a whirlwind! My goal was to create a story that felt real and captivating, weaving together all these elements. What makes my best writing stand out?

Is it simply a compelling narrative? Or is it the way I weave in our family’s unique passions? The answer, I discovered, isn’t straightforward. It’s a combination of things, a unique formula I’ve named The ILLUMINATION Formula. It’s not just about writing well; it’s about creating something truly captivating, something that resonates deeply, something that leaves a lasting impression. I’m excited to share this formula with you. You might be surprised by some of the elements, but I promise, it’s much simpler than you’d expect.

Intrigue — The First Spark

Austin’s woodworking is captivating. He always creates designs that demand your attention, even before you fully understand what you’re looking at. Isn’t that the magic of good writing?

It’s all about grabbing your reader’s interest from the very beginning, making them eager to discover more. Think of it like a skilled fisherman using the right bait — it lures in the perfect catch! I wrote an article about beekeeping once, and I titled it “The Buzz: A Beekeeper’s Journey.” It was simple, but the word “buzz” was just intriguing enough to draw people in. The article received a lot of views! It’s about creating a lasting first impression, inviting your readers to explore your world.

Photo by pai pai on Unsplash

Clarity — The Blueprint

As an aerospace engineer, I’m constantly reminded of the importance of clear communication. It’s the backbone of getting a rocket to launch safely and successfully. Imagine a rocket hurtling through space with jumbled instructions — it wouldn’t get very far, would it? Writing is no different — your ideas need to be presented in a way that makes sense, a way that guides your reader through your thoughts. Think of it like a blueprint, a step-by-step guide that lays out the path to building something incredible.

Earlier this year, I wrote an article about the complex engineering behind space travel, and I realized it was a bit too technical. Readers were getting bogged down in the jargon, lost in the intricate details. I stepped back and rewrote the article, focusing on breaking down the complex concepts into smaller, more digestible pieces. I used simple language, everyday examples, and relatable analogies to make the information more accessible. I showed them how space travel is like a giant, intricate puzzle, and suddenly everything clicked. My readers were thrilled with the new clarity, and it proved that clear communication is fundamental, a vital key to captivating your audience. It’s about making your writing easy to follow, allowing your readers to truly grasp the essence of your message.

Engagement — The Sculpting Touch

Sharon, my talented little artist, brings her clay creations to life with intricate details. Just like her sculptures, engaging writing needs that same captivating touch. It’s about forming a connection with your readers, making them feel like they’re right there in your story.

Sharon spends hours crafting a tiny clay figure, adding small details that give it personality, making it come alive. Writing should do the same, sharing your personal experiences, anecdotes, and even a touch of humor. It draws your readers in, allowing them to see the world through your eyes. A few weeks ago, I wrote about balancing work, family, and my beekeeping hobby. I included personal examples, like how I get my daughters involved; it really made a difference in how people connected with the story. They loved hearing about how my six-year-old Sharon helps me with the honey extraction! Making your writing feel real, relatable, and engaging is key, just like Sharon’s captivating clay sculptures.

Photo by Roksolana Zasiadko on Unsplash

Motivation — The Guiding Light

The final piece of The ILLUMINATION Formula is motivation. Beekeeping is more than just making honey; it’s about understanding the complex world of bees, their vital role in pollination, and the threats they face. My writing aims to inspire and inform, sharing something meaningful and leaving a positive impact.

A reader once told me my article on beekeeping made them see these amazing insects in a new light. These moments are what make it all worthwhile — knowing my writing can change someone’s perspective, awaken their curiosity, and maybe even inspire them to learn more. I’m not just telling stories; I’m sharing knowledge, spreading awareness, and igniting a spark of understanding. This is what makes The ILLUMINATION Formula truly special. It’s not about just writing; it’s about making a difference, one captivating word at a time.

The ILLUMINATION Formula: Your Writing Guide

The ILLUMINATION Formula is all about making your writing shine. It’s designed to capture attention, just like Austin’s captivating woodworking designs, by starting with intrigue. Next, you lay out your ideas clearly and concisely, like a detailed blueprint — a skill I use daily in my aerospace engineering work.

Engaging your reader with personal stories and emotion is crucial, just as Sharon does with her expressive clay sculptures. Finally, motivate your audience with a powerful message, like the vital role beekeeping plays in our ecosystem. This four-part formula is the key to truly effective and impactful writing. I’m confident that using this formula will help you create compelling and influential content that connects with your audience. Why not give it a try? Start applying the ILLUMINATION Formula to your own writing and see the difference it makes! I’ll continue sharing writing tips and stories along the way, so make sure to follow me for more insights on crafting captivating content. Together, let’s illuminate the world with our words!



Olivia Reed

Hi! I'm Olivia :). I live in Miami with Austin, my wobbly-chair carpenter husband, and our kids, Sharon and Katherine. Join our fun productivity journey!