The Key to Healing is Within You

Three rules of survival from a Holocaust survivor

Zul Bal
Curated Newsletters


Photo by Elle Hughes on Unsplash

The biggest concentration camp is your own mind and the key is in your pocket. — Dr Edith Eger

Two years ago, at age 90, renowned psychologist and holocaust survivor, Dr Edith Eger published her first book and memoir, The Choice: Embrace the Possible. She recently published her second book, The Gift: 12 Lessons to Save Your Life.

I didn’t know anything about Dr Eger until I listened to her interview with Lewis Howes. At age 92, Dr Eger has mesmerizing energy and optimism. The stories she shared in this hour-long interview astonished me. I rewind the video several times to listen to bits and pieces of her extraordinary fight for survival in Auschwitz and the lessons she learned from her experience there.

I was particularly touched by three stories that promoted her survival and healing.

A rule of survival: Commit yourself to others

Love isn’t what you feel, it is what you do. — Dr Edith Eger

Shortly after her arrival at Auschwitz at age 16, she saw that it wasn’t a competition but cooperation that increased the inmates’…



Zul Bal
Curated Newsletters

I write to collect, capture, and curate ordinary beautiful ideas.