The Life And Execution Of William Tyndale In 1536.

Mary Holman
5 min readSep 15, 2021


On October 6, 1536, William Tyndale was found guilty of heresy and translating the Bible from Greek to English. He was tied to a stake, strangled to death and burnt to ashes.

William Tyndale. Source

Background and mission.

William Tyndale is popularly known as the “father of the English Bible” and a brilliant person who spoke 12 languages fluently at 21. Many historians debate on his actual birth year and speculate it to be around 1490 near Gloucestershire, England.

Not much is known about his childhood or family but that he obtained his Arts degrees at the University of Cambridge and Oxford, where he developed a strong passion for church reforms. It is believed that, according to Tyndale, the church priests were not following the actual teachings of God, thus misleading the people.

One Catholic clergyman once said to him, “We are better to be without God’s laws than the pope’s”. His response was a statement that still gives one a chilling sensation to this day If God spares me, ere many years I will cause a boy that drives the plough to know more of the Scriptures than you do”.

At some point, he was ordained as a priest, then later a chaplain but remember nothing frightens evil men as much as a good man willing to stand in their way. His sentiments around…

