The Magic of One Article a Day

If you do not get tired, you will tire hardship and misery.

René Junge
Curated Newsletters


Photo by Jez Timms on Unsplash

The idea of writing a new article every single day is intimidating at first. It seems downright impossible when you think about it more carefully.

Where will all the ideas come from? Where are we going to find the time and energy to do it? Don’t we have to be realistic and realize that sooner or later, life will get in the way?

All too quickly, we say goodbye to ideas that sounded great and inspiring just a day ago. Because we suspect that we will disappoint ourselves, we prefer not even to try.

But why should we always start with doubts? Why do we only see the seemingly inevitable failure when we have to decide whether to tackle a big project or not?

The better alternative is to imagine how our lives would change if we succeeded with our resolutions in the most dazzling colors. That’s exactly what I want to do in this article. If you don’t think you can write an article every day, maybe you just need a bit of motivation and a glimpse of your possible future.

One article is almost nothing, but many times almost nothing results in much



René Junge
Curated Newsletters

Thriller-author from Hamburg, Germany. Sold over 200.000 E-Books. get informed about new articles: