The Moment When You Realize Passive Income Isn’t Bullsh*t

When you see someone just like you make it happen, the impossible starts to feel slightly possible.

Tim Denning
6 min readApr 17, 2024


Photo by John Lord Vicente on Unsplash

Money advice given by real estate millionaires used to piss me off.

The idea of attending a seminar used to feel worse than walking into a car yard to talk with a used-car salesman.

Whenever I heard the phrase, “make money while you sleep,” I used to throw up a little bit in my mouth. Passive income felt like an idea only the rich got the pleasure of enjoying.

It felt like a secret club or a scam that’s spread by gurus in order to sell a $20 book on Amazon called “Dot Com Secrets.” Shhh… don’t tell anyone.

Most of you reading this can relate to the dirty thoughts about passive income. There’s a moment, though, when everything changes and you realize passive income isn’t bullsh*t.

A weird dude with a Nike t-shirt

In 2011, I met an Aussie guy with a Nike t-shirt.

He wore Nike everywhere. We got chatting about writing. He’d been a writer too. He’d written every cheesy listicle you can think of, including “Elon Musk’s morning routine.”



Tim Denning

Aussie Blogger with 1B+ views that made me 7-figures — Get my free email course: