The More a Person Practices Self-awareness the More Attractive They Are

Three skills to work on to be more self-aware.

Jessica Lynn
Curated Newsletters


I fell madly in love with my partner. Again. During the start of the pandemic. We were stuck inside, quarantined, his business shut down, nowhere to go. And I loved it.

For three glorious months, I realized what is most attractive about him was his self-awareness.

I find the most attractive people possess this single quality, they have the ability to be present. They know themselves so well; they are the most comfortable people to be around.

Unexpected life changes bring clarity. The non-essential gets shoved to the background, bringing what is important into clear focus. The bs we struggle with gets downgraded, allowing presence to float to the top and remind us of who we are. Similar to stepping off a plane in a foreign country you’ve never been, where you don’t speak the language, nor are you familiar with the culture, your presence is heightened to a state of awareness.

This is what it felt like with my partner for those three months. And what it feels like to be around people who are centered in where they plant their feet. They aren’t on their phones; they listen and make eye contact. They’re very appealing to spend time with. When they…



Jessica Lynn
Curated Newsletters

Entrepreneur + Writer. Come join me in the creator economy. Get my eBook, How to Make Money on Medium. Hit FOLLOW ⤵