The Mountain Tells No Lies

It lives and breathes

Brooklyn Muse (editor)


Life-giving Earth © Brooklyn Muse

Mountains speak through the senses.
Sight, Sound, Taste, Smell, Touch.
Most importantly through the innate sense of Supreme Stillness.
If one speaks of it as a “Spirit Sense”, it turns some people away and is quickly disregarded. The same is true of the word “Energy”. I can understand the skepticism, so I choose my words most carefully.

“Stillness” is a term most will accept and at least try. When they do, there is no turning back. Change is inevitable- Permanent, systemic change.

Do not be afraid- just read on.

We all “know” certain things. Some taught, some innate. Senses need to be relearned- they are truly yours alone. We own so much more than what is on the surface. Some knowledge is just forgotten for a bit.
Think of it as a cool, breezy, white veil. You can “sort of” see through it, but initially, the image is unclear. There is no doubt it is there, but you need its direction. A positive little “push” if you will. I will try to clarify the “space” of “you” I am referring to.

Quietly ponder these questions to yourself.

Why are people drawn to water (not drinking water) — oceans, rivers, lakes, and streams?



Brooklyn Muse (editor)

NYC area -educator. writer. editor. photographer. dreamer. treasure hunter. mountains. beach. city. all images ©️ Brooklyn Muse...