The Neuroscience of Getting “Unstuck” and Going Past Your Comfort Zones

Simona @ Mindful Copy Agency
Curated Newsletters
6 min readJun 29, 2020


There’s a biological reason you may be feeling stuck in life…here’s how to overcome it

Photo by Noah Silliman on Unsplash

There may be times when it feels as if no matter how hard you try to make a change in your life, everything feels the same. Although every single day calls forth brand new possibilities, we unconsciously choose to live out the same routines. It’s not that we’re not creative enough to choose new experiences, it’s just that our brains don’t really want us to.


Our brains crave stability, familiarity, and comfort. If we even think about the possibility of doing something unknown, our brain’s initial response is fear. Uncertainty could mean risk — whether physical or psychological. That initial feeling of discomfort is often enough to make most people brush their “wild ideas” aside and so they end up retreating right back into their comfort zone. This does not just apply to our actions and behaviors, however. It applies most predominantly at the mental level. This means we keep thinking the same thoughts and feelings over and over again and then wonder why life isn’t changing. In reality, it’s our mental frameworks that are remaining the same.



Simona @ Mindful Copy Agency
Curated Newsletters

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