The New and Free William F. Spivey Resistance Substack
Politics With a Bit of History Thrown In
Some of you may know me from the William F. Spivey History Channel. I write a lot about history and politics; sometimes, you can’t separate the two, and other times, you can. I’ve always wondered if I annoyed the people coming for history who weren’t interested in my political views.
I’ve decided to create two separate newsletters, one focusing on history and the other on politics. There will be some duplications, but if I write about something current and political, it will only be on the William F. Spivey Resistance Substack.
This site will always be available at no cost, though anyone is welcome to contribute. I write often and expect to have two to three posts every week. I have an extensive archive of writings and will publish some pieces that I deem still relevant, so you may see more in the first few months. Much of what I write here will be exclusive so please subscribe.
I read all the comments and look forward to the debate. Opposing views are welcome but may not go unchallenged.
William F. Spivey