Inspiration | Life
The Power of Peering Into the Future
Future-focused thinking
Imagine creating what you want in life by peering into the future. Although you may not realize it, it happens daily for many. But how is this possible? It is not as difficult as you might think and is easy to do once you know how. Read on to learn more!
Peering into the future
Do you realize how often you make decisions in the present based on the future? We all do it. Understanding this can help you create a better present and improve future outcomes. How? By simply taking the long view. Reflecting on what lies ahead can profoundly impact your present decisions, which affect your future.
Taking the long-term into consideration helps you better understand what you need now. Think about something you wanted in the past that you obtained or achieved. Was it a major thing like a job, car, home, spouse, child, or something else? Or was it more modest, like a new camera, sound system, instrument, computer, monitor, etc.?
“Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” Warren Buffett
Before you got what you wanted, what did you do? You likely thought about it and imagined what it would be like to have it. All…