Inspiration | Life
The Power of Your Values
Living by Design: A Path to Personal Fulfillment
Values, values, values. Some companies emphasize their values endlessly, outlining them in their mission and vision statements. But what do values mean to us as individuals? Do they genuinely matter in our daily lives? Absolutely! Understanding them can lead to a more fulfilling and enriched life. Let’s uncover what values are all about.
What exactly are values?
Many people are unclear about values and their significance, partly due to misunderstandings about their meaning and utility. According to the Oxford Languages online dictionary, values are defined as:
- the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something.
- a person’s principles or standards of behavior; one’s judgment of what is important in life.
Values are inherently valuable based on these definitions, especially the second one. But why do they matter? They matter because they affect everything you do and your direction in the future.
Much of the misunderstanding of the importance of values is that we often take them for granted because they are so deeply ingrained in our identities. Amidst the…