The Siege in the Room

Poetry – Samuel Beckett and Commanding the Dark Side

Keira Fulton-Lees
2 min readDec 22, 2019

-- — The Beauty of Autism Within the Written Word
-= Keira Fulton-Lees, As.D. =-
Artfully Autistic Advocate for Autism
© 2019
Music by Keira on
Photo by Matt Artz on Unsplash

The Siege in The Room

The words have fallen fastly
Floors of thought live unfreed
Entrapped in pages blindly
You think but cannot see

The toll to write is costly
The forest thick as thieves
The world turns on you darkly
The words becomes the siege

If you fall behind the writing
As when in crowded marathon
Does it really matter
If you cross the finish line?

When words are veiled in curtains
Drawn so tight they can’t be found
As if dropping coins in fountains
Where wishes sink and drown

Comes then an ephiphany
Awakened where pier’s end
A storm of defeated clarity
The dark side takes command

If words fell in a forest
With no one there to read
Were they ever written
Was even there a need?

If words fell in a forest
With no one there to read
The unseen higher power
Gives hope, and always sees

Author’s Note

This poem is a tribute to the Nobel Prize winning author, Samuel Beckett (1906–1989). The title “The Siege in the Room”, is attributed to Beckett, and is a phrase he used following an epiphany in which he decidedly began to embrace the dark side of his personality as a source of inspiration.

Fortunately for Beckett and for the literary world, what arose from that epiphany was a period of intense creativity – a “siege” in which he created his most famous works: the legendary play Waiting for Godot, and his three great novels Molloy, Malone Dies, and The Unnamable. — The Beauty of Autism Within the Written Word
© 2019

Originally posted on 12–21-2019 at



Keira Fulton-Lees

Artfully Autistic Advocate for Autism, Writer, Editor, Artist, Musician, Owner of the Medium Publication: Artfully Autistic: