The Strange Mentality Of People In Network Marketing
Just because you believe in what you sell doesn’t mean everyone else does.
Whether it’s Tupperware, candles, or the latest weight loss product, everyone knows somebody who dabbles in network marketing.
If there’s anything we’ve learned from being spectators in the network marketing arena, it’s a resounding undertone of resentment. Resentment that inevitably surfaces from those selling it towards those not buying it.
I’ve watched this phenomenon play out countless times over social media feeds. I’ve also been a victim of it.
Network marketing companies — better known as MLM — all offer the same benefits to their “distributors” or “consultants”.
More time at home with your kids.
Build a business on your own terms.
Put in as little or as much time as you want.
Make all your dreams come true and drive a Ferrari while you’re at it.
I can see how some might buy into the idea behind the dream. But they expect everyone else to buy into it as wholeheartedly as they do, and if we don’t?
We suck because we’re not supporting their dreams.