The Subtle But Practical Art of Meaningful Detachment

To Become Calm, Present, and Non-judgmentally aware

Piyush Kamal🎖
Curated Newsletters


Reimagined by Author

The perfect man employs his mind as a mirror; it grasps nothing; it refuses nothing; it receives but doesn't keep. — Chuang-tzu

This man is neither trying to stretch the stay of pleasant things nor hastening the departure of unpleasant things. On the contrary, mere mortals are often busy accumulating everything that is projected to be things of pleasure.

Please don't believe me; have a look at your physical shape. It is nothing but an accumulation of everything you’ve been eating for all these years. Similarly, your mind is an accumulation of all the noises neatly repackaged as information and opinions broadcasted from the tallest towers of intellectual superiority.

In fact, our identity is broadly defined by the exceptional contours of our accumulated possessions, accumulated relationships, and collected thoughts. So much, so that being an integral part of this consumerist society, every one of us finds it difficult to resist the mentality of accumulation.

If this is the rule, then you are definitely not an exception.

And as a rule-abiding compliant citizen, you don't shy away from making your way through impossible layers of cut-throat…



Piyush Kamal🎖
Curated Newsletters

Published Author Who Loves to Play at the Intersection of Cognitive Psychology, Neuroscience, & Philosophy — Sharing the Slice of Wisdom Not on Paper but Screen